04 August 2009

Preparing for Departure!

Well the countdown to departure is almost at zero: only four more sleeps! It seems as though I have been preparing and waiting to go for so long, and now that it is finally here I can't believe I am actually going!
July was a busy month as I spent time with friends and family in BC, celebrated with Melissa and Ryan at their wedding, hiked the Chief, and packed up my apartment in Blaine, getting rid of anything that I couldn't fit in my car. Then David, my brother flew up from Texas, and soon we began our long but incredible road trip from Vancouver to Houston where I am now spending time with Mom, Dad, and David. The road trip was a great time to be encouraged both through reconnecting with friends, seeing some amazing sights of Creation (including the Cali coast and the Grand Canyon!), and of course through enjoying sibling time. :)

Canada Day with friends!

Hiking the Chief with Liz, Tim, and John.

Final youth event at Cultus Lake Watersides.

Starbucks with Briggs and Liz - right before Liz heads back to teach in Ghana!

David and I on the Sea to Sky Highway in BC.

A MUST while driving through California: IN-N-OUT Burger!

The Grand Canyon.

Now that I am home, I am gathering more resources, reading, taking care of final details, packing (gah! I can't wait until packing is done!), and spending time with my family. It felt quite surreal to say goodbyes in BC, but now that I am so close to leaving I think the reality is starting to hit. Although I am still very excited I am beginning to feel nervous about going somewhere where I don't know anyone, starting a new job, adjusting to a new culture (and one where as I woman I expect to feel more limited), and semi-new language setting (I'm glad I know French, but Arabic??). Yet, although I am nervous about these, I am also excited about the sense of adventure and opportunities for growth that they represent. I can't wait to make connect with other teachers, make new friends, meet my students, enjoy new food, speak French, learn more of what it means to be human through experiencing new culture, maybe ride a camel in the desert(?!), and serve and love others! And now with four sleeps until departure I am ready to jump right in and, in the words of my good friends Bonnie and Mikey Lang, "Huck it Huge!"
Thank you all for all your support and encouragement. It means so much.
So... with that: Catch Ya on Flip side!