22 September 2009

Just a few Pictures. :)

Hello friends!
I just thought I'd post a few pictures I've (or friends have) taken the past few weeks. Enjoy. :)

Eating a McArabia at McDonald's.

A Red Taxi. City Transportation.

My Classroom.

Care for some meat?

Or maybe you'd prefer fruit.

Jill and I baked friendship cookies for our third graders! I must confess, it's a bit weird to see a picture of myself in a tank top (although perfectly fine in my apartment). I guess I am becoming more accustomed to the dress here.

It was International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so we celebrated!

My third graders showing their true personalities as they're all dressed up in their traditional clothes.

Fun items to buy at the market.

This last weekend was a long weekend - the end of Ramadan! and a group of us went for a retreat neat the mountains. It was a great weekend, and I came back feeling refreshed. :)

Kate and I wearing toques... We slept outside under the stars. It was great!

A group of us enjoying dinner together at the retreat.

We took a walk through a little village.

Us with our guide. We had to barter at the end to settle on a price.

Lindsay saw a sign for home. It was exciting! ;)

The Corniche. One of the nicer places in town as they are really trying to make an effort to fix it up. It's so nice to be able to walk along the beach.

The Kangoo all loaded up with groceries!

Horse Crossing!

We were sitting in traffic and I turn my head only to find myself face to face with a horse. A photo was necessary. :)

In other news, I met a fellow Canadian today as we were grocery shopping! I overheard her speaking English with her husband, and so I couldn't help but say something. She just recently moved here with her husband (who's from here), and is also adjusting to being here. We exchanged phone numbers and it will be fun to meet with her soon!

I hope you are doing well! Thanks again so much for your comments and e-mails as I've loved hearing about what is happening in your lives as well.

Have a great day.