18 August 2009

Orientation Top Ten (or maybe eleven...)

Orientation Week: Complete (except technically we still have one more day...;)).
This week has been full of new experiences, building relationships, and plenty of learning... and I am exhausted. Tonight after dinner I went straight up to my apartment and straight into bed! I have now woken up, and since I'm feeling a little more awake I thought I'd update you all before going back to bed. :)
It's hard to believe I've been here just a little over a week. We've just learned so much that it seems we should have been here so much longer! To give you a glimpse of the past week here are top ten highlights:

10) Going to the beach!

9) Trying many new foods including Couscous. Yes, yes I'd eaten couscous before... but not the proper way! For lunch one day we came down to the cafeteria to find several huge bowls full of couscous topped with vegetables and a whole chicken. We ate community-style with each person taking a section from the dish and eating right from there. We used spoons, but traditionally you take a handful of couscous, roll it up in your hand (RIGHT hand only!) and pop it into your mouth.

8) Learning Arabic – and USING it! Each morning we would have a have a half a hour lesson. So far I’ve learned basic greetings, what to say in a taxi, numbers and useful words for bargaining. I’ve been able to use it a bit out in the city… but man, oh man do I need to work on my accent! ;)

7) Conquering my fear of taking the taxi! This is the main mode of transportation here – although there are some busses. Wave one down, pile in – depending on the type of taxi, you’re often squished next to a stranger, and tell the driver where to go!Kevin and Keely in the front!

Our efforts were worth it... we enjoyed a great meal by the ocean. :)

6) Bartering at the market. I bought some traditional shoes, and since I still not very good with the numbers in Arabic, I ended up bartering in French.

5) Discovering that baking soda is sold at a pharmacy and not a grocery store. We discovered this on a fun scavenger hunt in the city where we also got to go to the local market and buy sugar, nuts, jewelry, clothing etc. I could also ask for a chicken and have it killed right on the spot for me. Uhhhh I don’t know if I’ll EVER be ready for that – thank goodness for the grocery store. ☺

4) Getting a grasp on the cultural differences: learning how to communicate, what is appropriate for women to wear and do, holidays and celebrations, Islam and its huge impact in the culture…

3) Having our third roommate, Susan, arrive! Our apartment is complete! ☺

2) Seeing my classroom and the curriculum for the first time - TODAY. Now to get ready in a week and a half! I’m both anxious and excited about this.

1) Hearing more of the history and vision of the school and its reputation and impact in the community. It seems to be that this school works at developing character and challenging students to become leaders of integrity in their country - how neat to be a part of this!

0) OK I lied… I guess this is the top 11. ;) But the list wouldn’t be complete without sharing about the community that has been built among those at the orientation. We have been so supported by the Human Resource staff, administration, and by each other.


Megs said...


QueenBee said...

Yay Anna - Sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

saw your lovely pictures at the library. sounds like every thing is going well. love you Nana

Anonymous said...

Love the pics sweets! Love YOU more! :)

Anonymous said...

Monk could NEVER eat that way!!!
(you can probably guess who wrote this).