Well this is a few days late, but I had to make sure I posted a Thanksgiving Day post. Canadian Thanksgiving, that is! ;)
On Monday evening several of us Canadians got together for a great feast! The evening before Michelle and I had gotten together to make pumpkin pie. Now this means we made everything! There's no canned pumpkin here, and definitely no pre-made pie crusts (They don't even have pie pans here! I guess pie is just not a typical food...) But we had a great time making it together and debating whether our pumpkin soup would actually turn into to pumpkin pie. And yes, indeed it did. :)
Monday evening was a great time of getting to know others better and enjoying food that had been save especially for the day. One of the couples had somehow acquired one MASSIVE turkey. They had also remembered to bring cranberry sauce from the states, which was a real treat. Michelle also made sweet potatoes with brown sugar and pecans, two other ingredients that are hard to come by here. The thanksgiving meal was definitely a blessing, and I am so thankful for the time with friends and fellow Canadians around a delicious meal.
And I love the way that Thanksgiving provides an opportunity for to stop and reflect upon the things (both big and small!) for which I am truly thankful. I am thankful for:
1) Each student in my third-grade "family." True, they each have their little quirks, but I can't get through a day without smiling or laughing at some of the antics and comments. How neat it is to care for and challenge them, chat with them about how they are doing, and really see them change and grow.
2) Internet, facebook, blogs, e-mail, skype - Man, it has been such a blessing to be in touch with family and friends back home. I've just been blown away with e-mails and words of encouragement from so many people from different stages of my life. Thanks so much.
3) Running. And the fact I can run at night - yay for the school track and living on campus.
4) I get to see my family for Christmas! In Paris! And then they come here! I am really going to cherish this time with Mom, Dad, and David. I love the three of you very much and I am so blessed to have you as my family!
5) The reminder of who equips and enables me to live out life. Whether in work, building friendships, caring for others, it is he whose resources I rely upon. So many times I try to do a great job on my own, but how much better it is when I allow His love, power, and grace to work through me. And wow, I'm so thankful that he wants to work in me!
This list could go on forever... but I thought I'd choose just five - and maybe save the others for American Thanksgiving. ;)
I hope all you Canadians were about to enjoy a day of rest, family, eating, and giving thanks. And, I hope all you Americans are eagerly awaiting your Turkey day (it's coming soon!) ;)
Kayla and Bruce about to carve the turkey! (Sorry for the blur.)
Jan and Michelle loading their plates with the Thanksgiving goodness.
Jan, me, and Michelle enjoying our pumpkin pie!
15 October 2009
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving
Posted by Anna at 13:24 3 comments
03 October 2009
Life Lists
Tonight as I sit down to write this I feel like being quick and efficient, so here are a few fun lists to give you glimpses of my recent thoughts and activities. Enjoy. :)
Today I:
1. Enjoyed a breakfast of scrambled eggs and breakfast with Surita.
2. Wrote a parent letter for Curriculum Night on Wednesday and did some marking
3. Bought minutes for my cell phone... FINALLY got off campus... it had been a week!
4. Tried a GREAT Italian restaurant with Jill, Robin, and Lindsay.
5. Navigated around the city without getting lost!! This city is NOT a grid by any means.
Highlights of the past week:
1. Trying the French Church
2. Finding out about an extension on our midterm progress reports. I think ALL teachers were happy about this.
3. Seeing two of my New-to-English kids (ALL my kids are ELL, but one...) raise their hands and begin to voluntarily participate in class.
4. Eating dinner with the family who lives below us. Great meal of Sffa and GREAT company. They are a fun family.
5. Getting a post card from Sarah!
Things I miss:
1. Starbucks (or Wendels! or Wired Monk) drinks and chats
2. Having a car and the convenience and independence that come with it
3. Friends and family - yes, definitely you guys!
4. Milk, chocolate chips, and brown sugar. Oh, and Mexican food. AND Sushi everywhere.
5. Running along the road. Sixteen laps around the track just doesn't compare to running along River Road, the Fort-to-Fort Trail, or Campbell Valley Park.
Things I am thankful for (this will be hard to fit into just 5!):
1. Internet: Facebook, e-mail, Skype, blog!
2. Encouragement from friends and family back home. Your e-mails, comments, messages, and prayers have been so wonderful!
3. Provision in this job, friends, roommates, and co-workers.
4. The retreat two weekends ago.
5. That I CAN run here... I wasn't sure if I'd be able to. I AM thankful for the track.
Things I'd miss:
1. The mustard - I think it's a mix of American style mustard and Dijon mustard. It's got a kick to it, and just makes any sandwich great!
2. The markets (and all the fun things they sell) and bargaining.
3. Speaking French and learning Arabic (my classes start this week!)
4. The community here, and my students.
5. Great sunsets over the Atlantic.
I am learning (DEFINITELY more than 5, but here we go):
1. How to get around this city and where good restaurants and shops and friends are.
2. How to be a good teacher.
3. The importance of daily finding my identity in Him - especially in a time of transition. This has been big, and I think I may do a blog post on this.
4. Arabic words.
5. Walking into a Cafe is an awkward experience. Those are really men only (except for an occasional woman). There's nothing like 20+ men staring at you, and you know you are not in your place.
Pictures Taken Since my last post: 1. The 1 KG Bar of Chocolate that Susan bought. No, I didn't eat it... we're chopping it into chocolate chips. :)
2. My first time trying Oysters.
3. Seen on the walls around the city and other towns. I understand it's used for voting.
4. Inside the Grande Mosque
5. Things in out kitchen, including mustard, "milk," Peanut Butter (that always tastes stale, and Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Spread.
1. Good Bye
2. Au Revior
3. B'slama
4. Love you guys
5. Have a wonderful and full blast day!
Posted by Anna at 17:02 3 comments
22 September 2009
Just a few Pictures. :)
Hello friends!
I just thought I'd post a few pictures I've (or friends have) taken the past few weeks. Enjoy. :)
Eating a McArabia at McDonald's.
A Red Taxi. City Transportation.
My Classroom.
Care for some meat?
Or maybe you'd prefer fruit.
Jill and I baked friendship cookies for our third graders! I must confess, it's a bit weird to see a picture of myself in a tank top (although perfectly fine in my apartment). I guess I am becoming more accustomed to the dress here.
It was International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so we celebrated!
My third graders showing their true personalities as they're all dressed up in their traditional clothes.
Fun items to buy at the market.
This last weekend was a long weekend - the end of Ramadan! and a group of us went for a retreat neat the mountains. It was a great weekend, and I came back feeling refreshed. :)
Kate and I wearing toques... We slept outside under the stars. It was great!
A group of us enjoying dinner together at the retreat.
We took a walk through a little village.
Us with our guide. We had to barter at the end to settle on a price.
Lindsay saw a sign for home. It was exciting! ;)
The Corniche. One of the nicer places in town as they are really trying to make an effort to fix it up. It's so nice to be able to walk along the beach.
The Kangoo all loaded up with groceries!
Horse Crossing!
We were sitting in traffic and I turn my head only to find myself face to face with a horse. A photo was necessary. :)
In other news, I met a fellow Canadian today as we were grocery shopping! I overheard her speaking English with her husband, and so I couldn't help but say something. She just recently moved here with her husband (who's from here), and is also adjusting to being here. We exchanged phone numbers and it will be fun to meet with her soon!
I hope you are doing well! Thanks again so much for your comments and e-mails as I've loved hearing about what is happening in your lives as well.
Have a great day.
Posted by Anna at 15:09 2 comments
18 August 2009
Orientation Top Ten (or maybe eleven...)
Orientation Week: Complete (except technically we still have one more day...;)).
This week has been full of new experiences, building relationships, and plenty of learning... and I am exhausted. Tonight after dinner I went straight up to my apartment and straight into bed! I have now woken up, and since I'm feeling a little more awake I thought I'd update you all before going back to bed. :)
It's hard to believe I've been here just a little over a week. We've just learned so much that it seems we should have been here so much longer! To give you a glimpse of the past week here are top ten highlights:
10) Going to the beach!
9) Trying many new foods including Couscous. Yes, yes I'd eaten couscous before... but not the proper way! For lunch one day we came down to the cafeteria to find several huge bowls full of couscous topped with vegetables and a whole chicken. We ate community-style with each person taking a section from the dish and eating right from there. We used spoons, but traditionally you take a handful of couscous, roll it up in your hand (RIGHT hand only!) and pop it into your mouth.
8) Learning Arabic – and USING it! Each morning we would have a have a half a hour lesson. So far I’ve learned basic greetings, what to say in a taxi, numbers and useful words for bargaining. I’ve been able to use it a bit out in the city… but man, oh man do I need to work on my accent! ;)
7) Conquering my fear of taking the taxi! This is the main mode of transportation here – although there are some busses. Wave one down, pile in – depending on the type of taxi, you’re often squished next to a stranger, and tell the driver where to go!Kevin and Keely in the front!
Our efforts were worth it... we enjoyed a great meal by the ocean. :)
6) Bartering at the market. I bought some traditional shoes, and since I still not very good with the numbers in Arabic, I ended up bartering in French.
5) Discovering that baking soda is sold at a pharmacy and not a grocery store. We discovered this on a fun scavenger hunt in the city where we also got to go to the local market and buy sugar, nuts, jewelry, clothing etc. I could also ask for a chicken and have it killed right on the spot for me. Uhhhh I don’t know if I’ll EVER be ready for that – thank goodness for the grocery store. ☺
4) Getting a grasp on the cultural differences: learning how to communicate, what is appropriate for women to wear and do, holidays and celebrations, Islam and its huge impact in the culture…
3) Having our third roommate, Susan, arrive! Our apartment is complete! ☺
2) Seeing my classroom and the curriculum for the first time - TODAY. Now to get ready in a week and a half! I’m both anxious and excited about this.
1) Hearing more of the history and vision of the school and its reputation and impact in the community. It seems to be that this school works at developing character and challenging students to become leaders of integrity in their country - how neat to be a part of this!
0) OK I lied… I guess this is the top 11. ;) But the list wouldn’t be complete without sharing about the community that has been built among those at the orientation. We have been so supported by the Human Resource staff, administration, and by each other.
Posted by Anna at 15:36 5 comments
12 August 2009
Settling In.
Day: 4
I can't believe that I have been here four days now. The past few days have been laid-back and easy. I'm glad that I did get here a few days early because it's given me time to get over jet lag and get settled in. On Monday my roommate arrived and in the afternoon we went back out shopping to get most of our basic grocery needs. Then we came home and cooked our first meal together! (Simple but good: chicken, green beans, carrots, and bread, and yogurt for dessert). I have to say, the one thing that impresses me about grocery shopping is all the yogurt! There's two refrigerated sections dedicated to yogurt and yogurt-like desserts. And the flavors are extensive! So far I've tried mango, pistachio, and coconut. I also found that it was helpful to have French as most people readily communicate in it, and most of the labels are in French and Arabic. Although... being able to speak in French didn't prevent me from ordering half a kilo of sliced turkey. haha. I'll also have to learn to fully switch over to metric.
Lindsay and I finishing up our first meal together.
Our view from our dinner table of the sun setting over the ocean.
Yesterday was another slow start to the day. I didn't wake up until 11 even though I set my alarm for 8:30. Yup... good thing I got here early to adjust to the time change. Then I finished unpacking and setting up my room.
An egg froze in our refrigerator! Guess we better make some adjustments...
Our lovely kitchen.
Our living room.
My Room
Goodbye cards from students, youth, friends, and family.
In the evening we had a girls night! One of the staff from here cooked us a traditional meal - SO AWESOME! We began the meal with Harira, a traditional soup with lentils and beans; an eggplant spread; olives; carrots with lemon juices and other spices; and bread. The main course was called Seffa, and it was delicious. It was a mound of noodles that were flavored with cinnamon , sugar, butter, and nuts. Buried under the chicken was saffron flavored chicken, and it was so good!
This was also a great time to meet the other new teachers here. They all seem like they will be great to work with! After the meal I got a Henna tatoo! One of the other girls that is from here decorated my foot.I see a lot of women here with their hands or feet decorated with them. I read that the Henna tatoos originated from the Berber people, the first people group here. And then last part of the evening... Belly Dancing! I guess that's what a lot of the girls do when they get together here. Never in mixed company though. :) THANK GOODNESS for my sake!
Another thing I am getting used to is hearing the call to prayer. I don't hear it too loudly from my apartment on campus which a bit outside the city, but five times a day we still do hear a loud voice in Arabic echoing into our apartment.
Our meal!
Getting my henna tatoo.
My henna tatoo!
And that's what I've been up to.... Here are some things I am looking forward to:
- Meeting more of the staff. Our new staff orientation officially begins tonight, and the all staff in service begins on the 24th.
- My other roommate to arrive. She's taught here for a couple of years, including third grade!
- The start of Ramadan. I don't know how much of it I will experience seeing that I won't be fasting and I'm living outside the city a bit. But it starts in the next two weeks or so (whenever there's a new moon), and I'm interested to see what it's like in the city. I do hear the grocery stores do tend to run out of some food during this time though....
- Getting my classroom set up and finding out more of the curriculum.
- Meeting my students.
- Learning ARABIC! During the orientation we'll have Arabic lessons in the morning, and I discovered that twice a week Arabic lessons are offered on campus right after school.
So with that I leave you. It's been a good time getting here, and I am excited to experience more. Thanks for reading and thanks again for your support and e-mails.
Posted by Anna at 03:50 9 comments
09 August 2009
Day One: Complete!
Well after a long journey... I've made it!!
A couple that works at the school was there to pick me up at the airport, and I felt so welcomed by them. After getting some money at the bank and getting a SIM card for my cell phone, we came back to the school where I was able to meet some of the staff who are working here and their families. Again, everyone was very welcoming, and I look forward to getting to know them better.
After that we had lunch and went grocery shopping. Then I came back to my apartment FINALLY had a nap - I was SO tired.
One of roommates arrives tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to meeting her!
I really like my apartment. It's nice and spacious and has a balcony with a great view. Tonight's scenery: watching the sunset on the ocean. :)
Anyways, that's that for my first day here. I'll post some pictures later. :)
Posted by Anna at 12:58 0 comments
04 August 2009
Preparing for Departure!
Well the countdown to departure is almost at zero: only four more sleeps! It seems as though I have been preparing and waiting to go for so long, and now that it is finally here I can't believe I am actually going!
July was a busy month as I spent time with friends and family in BC, celebrated with Melissa and Ryan at their wedding, hiked the Chief, and packed up my apartment in Blaine, getting rid of anything that I couldn't fit in my car. Then David, my brother flew up from Texas, and soon we began our long but incredible road trip from Vancouver to Houston where I am now spending time with Mom, Dad, and David. The road trip was a great time to be encouraged both through reconnecting with friends, seeing some amazing sights of Creation (including the Cali coast and the Grand Canyon!), and of course through enjoying sibling time. :)
Canada Day with friends!
Hiking the Chief with Liz, Tim, and John.
Final youth event at Cultus Lake Watersides.
Starbucks with Briggs and Liz - right before Liz heads back to teach in Ghana!
David and I on the Sea to Sky Highway in BC.
A MUST while driving through California: IN-N-OUT Burger!
The Grand Canyon.
Now that I am home, I am gathering more resources, reading, taking care of final details, packing (gah! I can't wait until packing is done!), and spending time with my family. It felt quite surreal to say goodbyes in BC, but now that I am so close to leaving I think the reality is starting to hit. Although I am still very excited I am beginning to feel nervous about going somewhere where I don't know anyone, starting a new job, adjusting to a new culture (and one where as I woman I expect to feel more limited), and semi-new language setting (I'm glad I know French, but Arabic??). Yet, although I am nervous about these, I am also excited about the sense of adventure and opportunities for growth that they represent. I can't wait to make connect with other teachers, make new friends, meet my students, enjoy new food, speak French, learn more of what it means to be human through experiencing new culture, maybe ride a camel in the desert(?!), and serve and love others! And now with four sleeps until departure I am ready to jump right in and, in the words of my good friends Bonnie and Mikey Lang, "Huck it Huge!"
Thank you all for all your support and encouragement. It means so much.
So... with that: Catch Ya on Flip side!
Posted by Anna at 21:36 0 comments